The 100th post! My top posts and my tips for blogging

This is my 100th post that has been published on this blog! Just like I wrote the other day on my 10k+ view post, I have never gone this far with a blog and I am so proud of myself for keeping up with this.

There are definitely days where I don't have the motivation to write something interesting but I just push through anyway and having weekly posts keeps me on my toes. Speaking of weekly posts, I don't know if you guys have noticed the "Popular Posts" category on the side. Two out of the three posts are from my Throwback Thursday travel posts.

Top posts:

  1. Throwback Thursday : Scups Restaurant   - This post came in at 962 views at the time of writing! I posted this back in April 10th of 2014 and it is winning by a lot of page views!
  2.  Throwback Thursday: Flo's Clam Shack  - Published on March 13th 2014, currently has 358 views and was my number one until I posted the Scups restaurant review a month later. A lot of the keywords that hit this post has something to do with whether or not the restaurant is open so I assume next spring it will surge back up. By the way, this has got to be the best seafood place I have ever been to. If you ever find yourself in Rhode Island during the summer, check to see if this place is open!
  3. Kollaboration Spotlight at Toshi's Living room - I know why this post is in the top three which is coming in at 175 views. When I posted this, a lot of the finalists helped shared the post and in turn it received a lot of attention thanks to them!

My tips for blogging: (aka the things I learned so far)

I am by no means an expert at blogging or that successful right now, but I have learned a lot which helped me get views and readers. Here are some quick random tips that I find to be helpful to me and they might be applicable to you!

  1.  Set a schedule!!- This is why I failed with other blogs I started. I did not have a consistent publishing schedule so readers didn't expect anything from me. I have three categories that I post about on a regular schedule. Come up with a list of topics that best suits you! My topics right now are :
    • Monthly Instagram follow ups
    • Throwback Thursday
    • Crafting day 
  2. Write ahead of time - On days where I am in the mood to write, I sit down and write about 5-6 blog posts to share in the future. This helps a lot when I might get too lazy to come up with content so I have something to fall back on!
  3. Share, share, share! - Use social media to share all of your posts! I currently publish to my facebook, pinterest, twitter, instagram, bloglovin', and google+ accounts. The more you share, the more people you can reach! 
  4. Write about what you want to write about - I had a hard time with doing this. I was afraid people won't like what I have to say and that I might show my A.D.D. in the types of posts I have on this blog. Honestly, who cares in the end? This blog is a reflection of me and my personality and you should write about what you feel like writing about.
  5. Follow other blogs and network -  I follow a lot of other blogs using bloglovin' in categories that I write about to see what kind of content is being pushed out. This allows me to get some ideas on what to write as well as get to know how people are writing. 
  6. Don't worry about the views or other stats. Just keep swimming posting!- When I first started this blog, I had an average of 10-15 views a day and since then it has gradually increased. Don't let this stop you in the beginning because as you start to have more content and become more consistent, you will find readers. People love reading about other people's lives on the internet because this allows them to be nosy without getting in trouble. ;)

This blog has hit two great milestones this past month and I want to do something different. Maybe a little sneak peak on one of the topics I will be posting about in Oct?

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